Singapore / TRAVEL

Living Picture, National Gallery Singapore

Photographs surround us every day and everywhere. They shape the way we see the world and the way we see ourselves. Explore the changing roles of photography in Southeast Asia—from its beginnings as a tool of European exploration to the “performance” of studio portraits; from the incomplete realities of war to the rise of fine art; and finally to the memes and selfies that saturate social media today. Discover the power of photography.

Photographs in Southeast Asia

One of the highlights of this exhibition is a huge collection of photographs from Southeast Asia. The photos taken during the Vietnam War highly impact us, with just a few images and limited background of the event, it still highly impacts us emotionally. I guess this is one of the reasons why I like street photography so much, as years ahead these photos tell a story, instead of just capturing beautiful places.

A postcard that tells stories

Entering the last exhibition hall you will be welcome by nets of postcards, and seeing them up close you can tell there is some age to the postcard. Many of the postcards have notes/ letters written at the back of the photos, telling us their story for that moment. In the age of the internet, it has been ages since I wrote something for my loved one. How about you?

In the last section of the exhibition, you will get to see this wall full of shelves of postcards. While we thought that it is just an exhibition but you are able to bring this postcard home. Every postcard cost a dollar, simply drop the amount you took in the “donation” box at the corner. (DO NOT CHEAT) Most of the images are street photos, with no details I am curious where is all these places in the postcard. Many people have the same preferences as us as most of those that we like are already “sold out”.

National Gallery Singapore
02 Dec 2022 – 20 Aug 2023
General Admission (Free for Singaporeans and PRs)
Singtel Special Exhibition Gallery, Level 3, City Hall Wing

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