Title: Dear Elepunto
Instagram’s account: @elepunto
My 52 weeks of the journey is coming to an end soon, there are only 11 more portraits to post! After this, I might continue new #APaintPortrait project or I will start a new project. However, nothing has decided yet but I’m looking forward to expanding my illustration’s works. Making every journey a good one.
This week A Paint Portrait I would love share this lovely lady that I admire. It’s featuring a voyager that has to be my inspiration – Laura, she has been leaving her footstep around the world. And each moment she captured she just brought me a deep impression!
With her, as my inspiration from time to time, I knew myself. All I wanted was to live a life where I could be me and be okay with that.
I had no need for material possessions, money or even close friends with me on my journey. During the journey, I might be lonely and helpless without them but all I wanted was my art and the chance to be the creator of my own world, my own reality. All I want the open road and new beginnings every day.
xoxo, Angela.
Illustration | Angela Leong
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