
A City for Arts Lovers | Melbourne

Weekend in Melbourne is busy than ever, and it’s time to get out of your house! Unlike in Singapore, we tried our best to avoid the crowds out there and catch some sleep that we missed. While in Melbourne, you will never want to miss the amazing stuff out there. You’ll get up as early as 7 am and be involved with local events meet some new friends around these beautiful markets.

When coming to Melbourne there is so much for designers and artists to showcase their beautiful creation and products. You will get to know more about what the locals do. That is the reason why you shouldn’t miss out the seasonal The Finders Keepers or the Rose Street Artist Market (there are so much more but just two weekends is just not enough to explore them).

Therefore, we highly recommend spending your whole day at Carlton and Fitzroy area. This area is filled with the lovers of arts and food.

Popsicle tastes great even we are in cold weather.

there’s dessert bar(s) and our favorite Frankie corner.

you can find artist and talents in your footsteps.

Many stores for us to explore and we got some really beautiful kitchenware home.

Be like a Melbournians

Melbourne is a place for artists and designers, don’t get excited just about Hosier Lane. Take a walk around the city and you will discover many more mural arts that weren’t crowded with tourist. You might want to walk around Fitzroy area to have a look at the different side of Melbourne. It might seem like a quiet street but filled with many hidden hideouts – such as bars, studios, cafes and Artist Market.

Every part of Fitzroy is a hidden gem.

Surely not an abandoned pups but a patient one waiting for the owner to finish their meal.

While, she is my favorite model, the coolest sister, Joe.

Never too little for photos yah!
xoxo, Angela.

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