
No. 4 | Our Resolution for 2018

We notice plans never work out all the time without we strive to achieve our best self. Every year we have a set of commitments to remind ourselves to become a better one. Nevertheless, we have achieved quite a few but fail some. Have you achieved your promise in 2017 yet?

Still, it’s time to bid goodbye and a new set of resolution. Therefore, we sat down and make a list together for #LePlainCanvas, we hope that you could follow our journey to witness our promises till the new year-end. We also hope those who don’t have any resolution yet, get your pen and jot down what you want. Hopefully, you will find something common to what you like to do what we share with you some ideas!

So here we begin our list of ten for 2018…

one / Embrace ourselves.
(if we don’t who does?)

two / Learn how to enjoy and work happily.
(in term of having a good balance between work and blogging)

three / Visit new places and meet some new friends.
(to go list is somewhere we never been before!)

four / Be adventurous to try new things.

five / Learn a new skill.

six / Compliment yourself more.
(everyone should do that!)

seven / Sleep early and rest well.
(if we don’t pamper ourselves, nobody cares about it)

eight / Eat Healthy and Exercise more.
(again, health is everything)

nine / Constantly stay updates and connect with our readers.

(you are our inspiration, thus we would always love to hear more from you)

ten / Be appreciative of what we got and say thank you to people around us.

We all don’t want to overestimate ourselves, and we always know that time to time we will have new aims and goals. Thus this year we only set 10 resolutions. And what is yours, share with us and we love to have a discussion with you!

xoxo, Angela, and Joe.

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