DESIGN / The Moon's Insight

The Moon’s Insight | Wild Mushroom

Wild Mushroom

Mushroom collecting is one of the most widespread activities. In a movement to discover local sources for food that is growing in popularity nationwide.

For people who enjoy foraging for food in the wild, there are plenty of mushrooms to choose from — several thousand fleshy species in North America. Of these many different kinds of mushrooms, almost all are “edible” but too fibrous or insignificant to consume. That still leaves a considerable portion of mushrooms as consumable and either “fair, good, or choice.”

While those numbers put the odds of picking an edible. Rather than a non-edible mushroom heavily in the favor of foragers, experienced mushroom growers are quick to point out that foraging for mushrooms should never be thought of as a game of chance.

xoxo, Joe.


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