Title: Dear Corina Nika
Instagram’s account: @corinanika
Never did I know, it’s going to be my 4th years working in the creative industry. Ever since the day I sign up for the job, it seems like each day has been challenging. I never thought it will be easy being a freelance designer, in fact, it’s harder than what many thought.
Quoted from Mahatma Gandhi, “Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.”
Once I was being told that I’m a workaholic. That’s truth as I don’t really hang out or sleep in during holiday instead making use of those time to learn new skills. Spending time to research, study and practice my skills whenever I’m free. Therefore, it has been my habit to pay visit to different designers’ websites to learn to and get inspiration from them.
Remembered Richard Francis Burton once said, “Little islands are all large prisons; one cannot look at the sea without wishing for the wings of a swallow.”
Constantly, I always able to learn new perceptive from many designers online. And, one of my favorite bookmarks would be Corina Nika, a designer who based in Kefalonia Island. I enjoyed reading her blog, she always shared wonderful articles as being a freelance designer herself.
Nonetheless, she also own amazing photos – sharing her tropical beach trips, it’s always inspired me and cheer my day!
Hope you like her as well! Happy Wednesday!
xoxo, Angela.
Illustration | Angela Leong
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