A Paint Portrait / Project 52

Week 23 | Project 52

Title: Dear Andrea
Instagram’s account: @inbusinessandlife

That’s already the second week of a new year – time passes quickly isn’t it? Before you realized it will be the end of January. Do you feel slightly depressing due to the pilling of old and new works? I do actually, I couldn’t adjust myself yet and I feel like it’s like nothing have changed yet. Maybe because of the gloomy weather – as it has been raining every day since new year eve.

This week I would like to dedicate this portrait to Andrea, despite a terrible day, looking her Instagram and Youtube page, the cheerful smile from her simply just motivate me to pull through everyday life.

She is inspiring individual especially lately I gain the courage to go on the bare face because of her influences. I could never dare to go out without a makeup to meet a friend. And I did it twice starting this year. It something impossible to me so I’m so proud to do that as it really is healthy for our skin to breathe.

So for those who are not convincing with a bare face, Andrea is very persuasive with it, highly suggest you check on her page.

xoxo, Angela

Illustration | Angela Leong

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