The hottest kitchens in town are all installing marble worktops. This gorgeous gray and white shiny stone once considered stiff and cold is having a moment. Just because we missed the boat, it doesn’t mean that we couldn’t apply this trends to our lifestyle.
Moreover, as we grow up so is our style and us slowly moving away from the fun and playful look and into something a bit more sophisticated. Of course, changing up your furniture doesn’t necessarily mean going out and spending loads of pennies on new things. It can be marble accessories like plates, laptop covers and chopping boards placed with enthusiasm throughout our home. Just a few simple marble pieces you are able to achieve the look that you want.
Have you scrolled through this post? Tell me now that you are not beginning to get warm feelings for this cold trendsetter.
xoxo, Joe.
Credit | All shots used on the mood board via our Pinterest boards.
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