LIFESTYLE / Moodboard

Mood Board | Warm Tone

Your bedroom is the only arena in your home that helps you relax and transcend into a peaceful state, after a stressful and hectic day in your office. Therefore, it is absolutely imperative that each decorative, movable or immovable, contributes towards relieving you from your stress and tensions.

Your room ought to be clean and streamlined for an inviting and calm look. Especially as we’re all looking forwards to warmer weather and sunnier days, and ways to bring that feeling indoors. And I have to say this Spring. I particularly love the rich shades of amber, orange, and pink that predominates within the collection – yes, mix them all together – for a desert hued warmth. Add in some natural materials and who needs a holiday anyway?

xoxo, Joe

Credit | All shots used on the mood board via our Pinterest boards.

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