DESIGN / The Moon's Insight

The Moon’s Insight | December



It’s already December the last month of this year. It has been a real good year, the world, my family and friends all treat me well. Therefore I am going to maintain this happiness and walk toward a new year.

So recently I have been trying different water painting method, wet on wet, wet on dry and more. However, there’s something very new that I m doing right now – which is calligraphy. What do you think? I am still a newbie to it but I believe someday I can master it. In order for me to do so, to achieve my goals. Currently, I’m already planning for my new year resolution, the things I should do and the things I  shouldn’t do.

“It is December, and nobody asked if I was ready.” ― Sarah Kay

but I am ready!

xoxo, Joe.

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