LIFESTYLE / Moodboard

Moodboard | Pinkholic

It has been a while since I wrote any post – I have been swamped with my new job scope ever since I’m back from my last trip. It is very exciting to work on projects for different brands and exhibition. Thus, I have not once neglected any production side of our blog. I’m grateful to Joe, my sister aka co-writer for helping to share our stories all the time. We truly hope that you folks have been enjoying the post that we preparing and created.

Are you a pinkholic? This week we would like to touch on this empowering colour pink. All girls love pink and who say that a girl who loves pink cant be the boss. It doesn’t have to be black to be a boss, pink is a language to tell everyone that a feminine girl can be powerful in every way. You don’t have to be shy to love this colour, as they are not girlish at all. It is a colour full of personality. Pink is the new black.

xoxo, Angela

Credit | All shots used on the mood board via our Pinterest boards.

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