A Paint Portrait / DESIGN

Week 25 | A Paint Portrait



Title: Dear Gizem
Instagram’s account: @postcardsbeyond

I love sharing my thought through my words in letters, and postcards. They’ll deliver my thought to people that I want to know and love. Back in the olden days, when we were in elementary, we have long holidays and we barely meet our friends. For me, rather than spending on the phone, I love to write letters or send a postcard and the connection just never end. It is not the fastest ways to stay connected but the most efficient way to get to know your friend better. We share all kind of things and I have it kept until now. Those memories just make me love to write to people more!

However, I’m a visual person as well, so it always starts with a picture, and then I get obsessed with the idea, sometimes too much. I have these blank books in which I take notes, and I add postcards and other physical items. That why I love Gizem even more, her project about sharing life’s moments through postcards. It’s just so inspiring! Get to know her, by clicking the link above! Share your thought with her and she will be so welcome to get to you back!

xoxo, Angela.

Illustration | Angela Leong

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