
Refreshing Kiwi Soda

Not many is a fan of all kind of fruits, for us kiwi and pineapple is a no no, as it always left a tangy feel on our tongue. However, kiwi is delicious fruit with unique taste. The green kiwi juice has tangy taste that is great for making a refreshing kiwi drink. For deeper taste experience, we pair it with lime and mint.

Green kiwi juice can be very sour and you need to balance the sour taste with some sort of sweetness. We uses soda compare to the usual sparkling water. The kiwi fruit gets sweeter as it ripens and the flesh soften. So you may use ripened kiwi for less sour taste. Another variety of kiwi is golden kiwi, it is naturally sweeter in taste. You can also use golden kiwi in this recipe.

A new kind of Kiwi?

While scrolling the grocery website, in the fruit section we discover this interesting fruits call Kiwi Berry – where it looks like grapes/ berry on the outside but when you cut open it is a mini kiwi on the inside.

The taste is slightly sweeter than that of a kiwi fruit but it is the size of a grape. It doesn’t have the fuzz that a full-size kiwi does, so there’s no need to peel it – just pop it in your mouth like you would with a berry.

Benefit of Kiwi / Kiwi Berries

Kiwi is not a citrus fruit like orange, grapefruit and lemon. But kiwi is rich in vitamin C like other citrus fruits. Kiwi is full of nutrient , minerals, fibre. It is rich in vitamin K, Vitamin C, Vitamin E, potassium, folate and antioxidants. Futhermore, it can help improve digestion, help in treatment of asthma and improve immune system. 

How to Prepare Kiwi?

There are two way to prepare kiwi fruit for any recipe. One is peeling the kiwi and slicing it as needed. You can peel kiwi skin with a peeler or knife. This method is suitable for firm less ripened kiwi.

Another method is to divide kiwi into two halves and scoop the flesh with a spoon. This scooping method should be used for softer ripened kiwi.

We love discovering and sharing simple recipes that you can make at home. They make for a healthier option than store-bought products. Not that you can save money but also the environment.

xoxo, Joe

Refreshing Kiwi Soda


  • 1 cup sliced kiwi, about 3 kiwi

  • 1/4 cup lime juice

  • 1 cup ice, more for individual serving

  • 500 ml tonic water

  • mint leaves, for topping

  • kiwi berry


  • Divide kiwi into two halves and scoop the flesh with a spoon. This scooping method should be used for softer ripened kiwi. Mesh the kiwi with the back of the spoon or blend it in the machine.
  • In a cup, add the meshed kiwi, ice, tonic water, lime juice and top it with kiwi berry and mint.

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