Title: Dear Sherman and AnAn
Instagram’s account: @shermanthm @heavenlyplace
When will be my holiday? These days I have been questioning myself. I haven’t been away for a trip but I do have breaks! Especially yesterday I took a half day off from work went to my nephew’s place. He has been a charm to me and melts my heart. He’s just too lovely but super hyperactive that I have to admit I’m no longer young! Even so, it never stops me from visiting him soon.
While this week A Paint Portrait I would love share this charming couple that melts my heart as well. They are such a lovely couple to me! Months ago I proposed to work on #APaintPortarit, and Sherman agreed to participate in the project, he sent me tons of references and all shot featuring his girlfriend. I thought it was a sweet act of him, I believed when the portrait is out (which is today), the girlfriend would be quite surprised (why a stranger painted them).
I enjoyed both Sherman and An An Instagram as they love traveling together and make their breakfast! It seems the most simple of life but I thought many of us actually have taken for granted. That’s the reason why they always motivate me in my life. To me, Instagram is a community to know and learn from groups of people that shared same hobby or liking. Thus, from time to time the community has lost it track but there is where people like Sherman and An An still remain the same.
“You don’t need a lot to be happy”, that is what they show me through their way of life.
Happy Mid Week!
xoxo, Angela.
Illustration | Angela Leong
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