LIFESTYLE / Moodboard

Moodboard | Spring Vol 2

While Spring is around the corner and we are all excited about it already. Early spring flowers are the surest sign that warmer weather is coming. After a long winter (monsoon season over at Singapore), it’s time for spring landscaping! The flower has always been our must have during spring. No matter is it on the table of our living room or in our food. Having flower in our room just brighten up our day.

Other than enjoying the sight of flowers, this spring it is also a good weather to experience new stuff. Here is a list of what we would be doing this spring.

8 things you must do this spring!

  1. Expanding our herb garden – we got some seed and equipment from the farmer market last winter. It has been an overdue promise to ourselves, thus we are going to accomplish it now.
  2. Go on a hike – it has been awhile since we hike cause of the weather. But it’s spring now and we couldn’t have any more excuse not to do it.
  3. Spring clean our workplace in your house
  4. Speaking of plans, start thinking about your summer plans
  5. Brighten up your home decor and share the before/after results
  6. Create a mood board out of our favorite spring colors – start from the color Primrose Yellow
  7. Celebrating Easter and 1st birthday of Le Plain Canvas!
  8. Make fullest of your only spring this year!

Please share with us on your plan for spring. We are happy to hear them and even tried some of them out – since we might miss out some important stuff!

xoxo, Joe.

Credit | All shots used on the mood board via our Pinterest boards.

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